Thursday, April 28, 2011

Right of Passage

Five years ago today, I was doing everything I could to get my baby out. 19 hours of labor, a failed epidural and 6 and 1/2 minutes of the dr's working on my silent baby, I finally heard my baby cry. 8 lbs 15 0z 21 1/2 inches long. And already stubborn. 

Of all the emotional times in a mothers life, I never imagined that my son turning five would be a hard one. I have been so emotional over him turning five, a whole handful as nick said tonight. I almost feel powerless, like it is out of my hands now, he is going to grow up and not be my baby anymore. Most people, mothers in general have probably already come to this conclusion but f0r me it is hitting home now. How did so much time pass already? Can it be possible that we are getting ready to sign him up for kindergarten? That is a whole another subject that makes me tear up when I think about it too much. 

Asher has always been so independent. He said his first word at 7 months old and walked at 9 months old, I kinda got jipped out of the baby stage. Luckily for me, my friends let me snuggle with all of their tiny babies. Anyway, I have always felt like he is older than he is. He is already learning to read and write and spell and do math. It amazes me how smart he is. I am one proud mama. But I kinda want to freeze time. I am not ready for him to go off to school and become even more independent. I want to stay in our jammies all day and eat frozen waffles. I used to not understand when people would say "enjoy them while they are small" or "Don't blink, it will pass too quickly" but now I know exactly what they mean. It really seems like just yesterday he was teeny tiny and today he riding his bike down the street. 

So this is it, our last summer before he is off to school. I want to embrace every sunny day, get in every snuggle time that he will allow. Pretty soon he will be too cool to cuddle with his mom :( I don't know what it will be like to have two kids in school. What will I do with all of my time? I know that once he starts he will love it and we will be super excited about all the new and exciting things. But right now it seems kind of daunting and a little surreal. I pray that he is stronger than me and doesn't cry when we drop him off at school that first day. 

For now I get to keep busy with work and planning his birthday party. He is having a shark party with balloon animals and hopefully a lot of fun decorations. I will try and post pictures after the party. 

I am not sure if I have the whole Blog thing down yet, but at least you know a little of what is going on in my oh so lovely life. 

1 comment:

  1. I *love* your new blog, Jamie! It's the perfect venue for you to share your life's adventures with us all. Can't wait for more… Big love to you and your incredibly darling family. You four absolutely radiate love ~*~
